GTC Business Applications for SME
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Glorious Technology Company Limited

Version 6.9.0 Release at 01/08/2024

1. Support new license key

Minor bugs fixed

Version 6.8.1 Release at 20/12/2024

Minor bugs fixed

Version 6.8.0 Release at 01/08/2024

1. Enhance the efficiency of data processing

Minor bugs fixed

Version 6.7.6 Release at 08/04/2024

Minor bugs fixed

Version 6.7.5 Release at 26/01/2024

Minor bugs fixed

Version 6.7.2 Release at 11/05/2023

Minor bugs fixed

Version 6.7.1 Release at 06/01/2023

Function enhancement:
1. [Year End Wizard]: Reduce usage of memory when processing extremely large amount of data

Minor bugs fixed

Version 6.7.0 Release at 28/09/2022

New functions:
1. [Import Data from Excel Format File]: Dealer added
2. A new function of [Save Result] added for [Recalculate and Update the Average Cost of Sales Transaction] and [Recalculate and Update the Average Cost of Stock Records]
3. A new function of [Save system message to text file] added for [Update opening balance from last year's data]
4. A new function of [Import Chart of Account's Opening] added for [Import from Other Company's data]

Report Enhancements:
1. [Report Designer] upgraded to version 21.05 with several improvements to PDF, XLSX, email, etc.
2. Reports can be Save As Excel directly :
- Stock Weighted Moving Average Price Calculation Report
- Stock Weighted Moving Average Price Calculation Detail Report
- Stock Balance Report
- Stock Balance Report by Class
- Stock Movement Report

Minor bugs fixed

Version 6.6.0 Release at 16/06/2022

New functions:
1. [Vendor Quotation Entry

Function enhancement:
1. [Advance Search] for Customer, Vendor and Stock File: the last search results will not be cleared without leaving the main interface

New reports:
1. Vendor Quotation List by Number Report
2. Vendor Quotation List by Vendor Report
3. Vendor Quotation List by Staff Report
4. Vendor Quotation List by Stock Report

Report Enhancements:
1. [Report Designer] upgraded to version 21.04 with several improvements to PDF, XLSX, email, etc.

Minor bugs fixed

Version 6.5.3 Release at 09/03/2022

Minor bugs fixed

Version 6.5.2 Release at 21/09/2021

Minor bugs fixed

Version 6.5.1 Release at 23/07/2021

Report Enhancements:
1. Reports can be saved to Excel directly
- Sales Invoice Detail List
- Sales Invoice Detail List by Customer

Minor bugs fixed

Version 6.5.0 Release at 18/06/2021

New functions:
1. [Export Data to Excel Format File]: supporting Unicode and Excel 2007 format file
2. [Import Data From Excel Format File]: supporting Unicode and Excel 2007 format file

New reports:
1. Outstanding Vendor Invoice Report - Specifies due days

Report Enhancements:
1. [Report Designer] upgraded to version 21.0 with improvement of supporting Windows interface, barcode, PDF, XLSX, email etc.
2. Reports can be saved to Excel directly
- Stock Class/Stock Sales Detail Report
- Slow Moving Stock Class Report
- Low Sales Amount Stock Class Report

Minor bugs fixed

Version 6.3.5 Release at 08/04/2021

New functions:
1. ank Reconciliation: Add "Opening Un-presented Amount", to represent the sum of all un-presented transactions calculated from "Start Date" of Accounting Period to "From Date"

Minor bugs fixed

Version 6.3.0 Release at 08/03/2021

New functions:
1. [Wise Search]: add an option for searching multi-line memo field - Remark, in almost all Master Files and Transactions.
2. [AR Payment Entry] and [AP Payment Entry]: allow cross exchange of different currency and auto calculate exchange difference.

Minor bugs fixed

Version 6.2.5 Release at 11/12/2020

Report Enhancements:
1. Report with sorting order option, the latest selection will be auto reused next time.

Minor bugs fixed

Version 6.2.0 Release at 22/09/2020

New functions:
1. Compatible with Online / Cloud edition

Report Enhancements:
1. Reports can be saved to Excel directly
- Customer Class/ Stock Class Detail Sales Analysis Report
- Stock Class Sales Analysis Report - Compare 3 Months
- Stock Class Sales Summary Report
- Stock Class/Stock Sales Summary Report
2. To improve the speed and the consumption of memory, preview thumbnails not displayed by default

Minor bugs fixed

Version 6.1.0 Release at 12/05/2020

New functions:
1. New payment methods in Retailing System: Alipay, Wechat Pay

Report Enhancements:
1. Reports can be saved to Excel directly
- Stock Monthly Sales Report
- Stock Sales Analysis Report - Compare 3 Months
- Stock Sales Analysis Report - Compare 12 Months
- Slow Moving Stock Report
- Low Sales Amount Stock Report
- Dealer Commission Report
- Purchase from Vendor Analysis Report - Compare 12 Months
- Customer/Stock Class Sales Analysis Report - Compare 3 Months
- Customer/Stock Class Detail Sales Analysis Report
- Stock Journal Report

Minor bugs fixed

Version 6.0.3 Release at 03/02/2020

New functions:
1. To enhance the support of Unicode characters in MS Windows English version, ini file format be changed.

Minor bugs fixed

Version 6.0.2 Release at 01/11/2019

New functions:
1. New [Case insensitive] option in [Wise Search] of Pickup List
2. New [Wise Search] for Stock Adjustment

Minor bugs fixed

Version 6.0.1 Release at 12/09/2019

New functions:
1. New [Wise Search] for Pickup List

Minor bugs fixed

Version 6.0 Release at 08/08/2019

New Functions:
1. Expanded support for MS Windows 10: User interface, Win APIs and internal codes
2. Support multi monitors: Main form will be showed at first monitor by default but can be moved to other monitor manually. The remaining form will be showed accordingly. Multi Company Control can only be showed at first monitor.
3. New function: [Recalculate and Update the Average Cost of Sales Transactions]. By using this function, Weighted Average Cost can be recalculated in designated criteria and updated to relevant sales transactions.
4. New function: [Recalculate and Update the Average Cost of Stock Records]. By using this function, Weighted Average Cost can be recalculated in designated criteria and updated to relevant stock items.
5. [Import Data from other Company/Location]: if Import Master Files Only be selected in [Select from Multi-Company's data], user can import designated master files.
6. New version of Report Designer: user friendly interface, more functions provided
7. Contact Number open to modify in these transactions: Sales invoice, Sales Return, Sales Order, Quotation, Vendor Invoice, Purchase Return, Purchase Order

1. For multi selection in the interface of [Stock Last Unit Price] and advanced search of Stock Record: will keep the order of the selections
2. [Search Sales Invoice by Customer and Stock] in [Sales Invoice Entry] be divided into two search value, Customer and Stock.
- Fields to search Customer: Customer Code, Chinese/English Name and address, Telephone, Fax, Contact Person, Direct line, email;
- Fields to search Stock: Stock Code, Chinese/English Name, Bar code, Class, Brand, Color, Size, Packing
3. [Export data to other Format File]: Shipping Information included in Sales Invoice
4. [Save report as Excel file]: Default format is Excel 2007 with maximum 1,048,576 lines in each worksheet
5. [Cash Memo Entry]: VIP discount will not be applied if Promotion Discount is valid.

Report enhancements:
1. Change the options of [Stock In/Out Detail Report] and [Stock Weighted Moving Average Price Calculation Detail Report]: [Order by sequence number for same date transactions] and [Order by transaction number for same date transactions]
2. New field, [ForUnitPriceText], can be selected in printing Sales invoice. When the unit price is “0” and the quantity is not “0”, the text of this field will show the word of [Gift].

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