Version 5.8.9 Release at 06/02/2024
Minor bugs fixed
Version 5.8.6 Release at 23/07/2021
Minor bugs fixed
Version 5.8.5 Release at 15/10/2020
1. | Enhance the efficiency of data processing
Minor bugs fixed
Version 5.8.2 Release at 08/07/2019
Minor bugs fixed
Version 5.8.1 Release at 25/02/2019
1. | Multi Company Control System
- | These 9 characters \, /, :, *, ?, ", |, <, > are restrictedly used for Company Short Name
- | Space used in the beginning or ending of Company Short Name will be trimmed
- | Database file name (fdb) will be renamed accordingly if Company Short Name modified on server. Company Short Name cannot be modified in station.
- | Database file (fdb) will be moved to new path accordingly if Database File Path modified on server. Database File Path cannot be modified in station.
- | Database file (fdb) will be deleted accordingly if the record in Multi Company Control deleted on server.
Minor bugs fixed
Version 5.8.0 Release at 04/09/2018
1. | Bank Reconciliation: can assign the right of Edit to user
2. | Batch Update stock's selling price function: when criteria is blank will be ignored
3. | Year End Wizard: Last login user name will be used by default
4. | Delivery Note: can be copied from Sales Order and Quotation
Minor bugs fixed
Version 5.7.0 Release at 18/04/2018
1. | Firebird 3's WireCompression function supported
2. | Enhance the efficiency of handling large data
Report enhancements
1. | New version of Report Designer provides more new functions
2. | More purchase analysis reports can be saved to Excel directly
Minor bugs fixed
Version 5.6.2 Release at 23/01/2018
New functions:
1. | New button of [Goods Return] added in [Sales Memo Entry]
2. | New button of [x Quantity] added in [Sales Memo Entry] under Touch Screen mode
3. | Salesman can be selected before enter [Sales Memo Entry]
1. | Firebird 3 supported
Report enhancements
1. | New option of [Update Stock Opening Quantity and Opening Stock Average Cost] added in execution of [Update opening balance from last year's data]
2. | New cheque format of O-Bank Company Limited
3. | Opening Amount and Quantity, Total Sales Amount and Quantity, Total Purchase Amount and Quantity added in [Stock Weighted Moving Average Price Calculation Detail Report]
Minor bugs fixed
Version 5.6.1 Release at 16/03/2017
1. | add new option - [Update Stock Opening Quantity & Opening Average Cost] in [Update balance from last year's data]
2. | New cheque format for [Agricultural Bank of China Hong Kong Branch]
Minor bugs fixed
Version 5.6.0 Release at 28/12/2016
New functions:
1. | New search method, [Wise Search], apply for searching Customer, Vendor and Stock. Search Value will be searched from designated text fields automatically.
2. | Print Count and Print Date added in all transactions.
3. | New option for Import Data from other Company/Location: Select from Multi-Company's Data. This function facilitates the importation by directly selecting data set in Multi-Company Control.
4. | More than 30 reports can be saved to Excel directly.
1. | [Report Designer]: Print to File for reports enhanced.
Minor bugs fixed
Version 5.5.1 Release at 27/07/2016
1. | For data safety, if [Multi Company Control System] installed, the function of [Year End] can only be executed in [Multi Company Control System].
2. | [Year End Wizard] : Company Short Name of selected data set will be shown for reference, when new Company Short Name asked to input
3. | After [Multi Stock Selection] enabled, a new line will be added when inputting stock by bar code reader
Report enhancements
1. | 2 criteria added in Account Payable Aging Report : Days Range or Months Range and As At
Minor bugs fixed
Version 5.5.0 Release at 29/04/2016
New functions:
1. | New Installer supports Unicode and MS Windows XP、Vista、7、8、10.
New report:
1. | Stock Balance by Brands Report
1. | New Pop up Menu in Multi Company System supports to run Data upgrade tools and Local configuration tool
2. | Capital words in Chinese or English can be printed selectively by user
3. | New version of Report Designer provides more new functions
Minor bugs fixed
Version 5.4.1 Release at 09/02/2015
1. | Enhance the efficiency of data processing
2. | New button of [Goods Return] added for Touch Screen interface in [GTC Retailing System]
Minor bugs fixed
Version 5.4 Release at 26/08/2014
1. | Enhance the efficiency of handling large data
New reports:
1. | Job Profit and Loss Report (12 Periods)
2. | Stock Weighted Moving Average Price Calculation Report
3. | Stock Weighted Moving Average Price Calculation Detail Report
Report enhancements:
1. | Performance enhanced : Account Detail Transaction Report、Customer Aging Detail Report
2. | New option of “Print Zero Balance Stock” added in Stock Balance Report by Warehouse
| Version 5.3 Release at 08/01/2014 |
| New functions: |
| 1. | Consignment Sales Entry |
| 2. | Default Warehouse Code can be pre-set for all transactions |
| 3. | New option : copy stock's remark to item remark of transactions |
| 4. | Sales Invoice can be copied from Consignment Sales |
| Enhancements: |
| 1. | Performance enhanced |
| 2. | New report engine : more functions provided |
| New reports: |
| 1. | Consignment Sales List by Number |
| 2. | Consignment Sales List by Customer |
| 3. | Consignment Sales List by Salesman |
| 4. | Consignment Sales List by Stock |
| Report enhancements: |
| 1. | New data showed in Salesman Performance Analysis Report : Delivery Charge & Other Charge |
| Minor bugs fixed |
| Version 5.2.1 Release at 07/10/2013 |
| Enhancements: |
| 1. | Stock Take Entry : same stock item cannot duplicated in one transaction or same day. |
| 2. | Support the regions with expression of thousand amount by full stop for printing cheque in words. |
| Minor bugs fixed |
| Version 5.2 Release at 12/08/2013 |
| New functions: |
| 1. | Customer Prepayment Entry |
| 2. | Prepayment to Vendor Entry |
| Enhancements: |
| 1. | Account Receivable Payment Entry : transactions created in this entry will be posted to AR, AP or Prepayment in GL accordingly. |
| 2. | Account Payable Payment Entry : transactions created in this entry will be posted to AR, AP or Prepayment in GL accordingly. |
| 3. | Account Receivable Payment Entry : prepayment from customers or prepayment to vendors can be handled in this entry. |
| 4. | Account Payable Payment Entry : prepayment from customers or prepayment to vendors can be handled in this entry. |
| 5. | New report engine : more functions provided |
| New reports: |
| 1. | Customer Balance Report by Account Category |
| 2. | Vendor Balance Report by Account Category |
| Report enhancements: |
| 1. | Customer Statement and Multi Currency Customer Statement : show more details about payment |
| Version 5.1 Release at 15/05/2013 |
| New functions: |
| 1. | [GTC Retailing System] supports touch screen input. |
| Enhancements: |
| 1. | In insert or edit mode of the transaction, the contents of Currency, Payment Terms, Payment Method, Salesman, Ship Via, Total Discount, etc will not be changed if same client or vendor chosed. |
| 2. | Same stock code can be used for different customers or vendors in [Customer Stock Code/Name File] and [Vendor Stock Code/Name File]. |
| New reports or Report enhancements: |
| 1. | General Ledger Daily Transaction Report : 2 options of Order by Journal Date and Order by Journal No can be selected. |
| 2. | New cheque format : Citibank |
| Minor bugs fixed |
| Version 5.0 Release at 01/12/2012 |
| New Functions: |
| 1. | Unicode supported : All user interfaces, database system and reports support Unicode (UTF8). Different languages can be input, saved and printed simultaneously. For example, both traditional and simplified Chinese, Japanese and Korean, etc, can be handled in the system without unreadable characters. |
| 2. | New database system : New database system facilitates the speed to read and write data. |
| 3. | New report engine : New report engine provides user-friendly interface, convenient, speed-up and more functions. |
| 4. | Default email system applied : Email system defaulted by Ms Windows will be applied to email reports. |
| 5. | New function in [Stock Take Entry] : User can select all products not took in current month for adjustment. |
| 6. | [Update opening balance from last year’s data] : The opening balance of Chart of Accounts and outstanding invoices will be automatically brought forward from last year’s data. Note: The function can be used only with Multi Company Control System. |
| 7. | Search company data by Company Short Name in Multi Company Control |
| 8. | Import transaction data from text file : User can import data from text file to Sales Invoice, Sales Return, Vendor Invoice, Purchase Return, Stock Transfer, Stock Adjustment, Quotation, Sales Order and Purchase Order. |
| 9. | Input stock by using bar code scanner : New interface of [Input stock by using bar code scanner] applies in all transactions: Sales Invoice, Sales Return, Vendor Invoice, Purchase Return, Delivery Note, Stock Transfer, Stock Adjustment, Stock Take, Quotation, Sales Order and Purchase Order. |
| 10. | [Export Data to Other Format File] includes Sales Memo and Sales Memo Payment. |
| 11. | The format files for all reports (RTM files) can be shared in a common directory instead of the directory of program installed. |
| Enhancements: |
| 1. | User can determine whether to change the related master files when the codes modified in Class File, Payment Terms File, Payment Methods File, Credit Status File, Unit of Measure File, Ship Via File, Stock Price Group, etc. The modification doesn’t apply for all transactions. |
| 2. | Full content will be shown when the mouse pointed to the field of content in Contact History page of Customer File, Vendor File, Job File and Employee File. |
| 3. | New option of [Issue Statement] added in Customer File. |
| 4. | No login needed if the function of Restore Data just be selected but not be executed. |
| New reports: |
| 1. | Stock Balance by Warehouse Report |
| 2. | Two print out formats, User Defined Format 2 & 3, added in all transactions: Debit Note, Credit Note, Sales Invoice, Sales Return, Vendor Invoice, Purchase Return, Delivery Note, Packing List, Pickup List, Stock Transfer, Stock Adjustment, Stock Take, Quotation, Sales Order and Purchase Order.